Christophe suffocates after eating a shrimp

Christophe étouffe après avoir mangé une crevette

It's Saturday noon at the restaurant and Christophe decides to have the salad but he hasn't noticed that it's made with shrimp. Quickly, he blushes, has difficulty breathing and feels suffocated. “AYOYE”!

As a good first aider, what are you going to do?

During an anaphylactic or allergic shock like this situation, it is very important to ask the person if they have an Epipen AND to call the ambulance.

If he has an Epipen, we can help him administer it or let him administer it if he is able. If he does not have one, the ambulance, which is now equipped to respond to this shock, will be needed and quickly. While waiting for the ambulance, we can try to reassure the person while applying cold compresses to the level of his neck, to try to limit the swelling that wins Christophe.

Never hesitate to call the ambulance, even if the person has an Epipen. Often a second dose is needed!

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Steve Marcoux, MBA

emergency care instructor

SM Canada

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